Sea Marconi at the GCC Cigre Conference in Baharain

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On 11th November 2008, Sea Marconi participated at the GCC Power 2008 in Baharain, the fourth GCC Cigre International Conference. Vander Tumiatti, founder partner of Sea Marconi, participated as speaker to the session titled Power Transformers and Substations.The presentation fully responded to the expectations generated by the topics in the title itself “Green Program D5 for the protection of fleets of Transformers in Oil and PCBs/DBDS: Diagnosis, Decontamination, Depolarization, Dehalogenation, Detoxification”.


The Conference was an opportunity for Sea Marconi to enter officially the Middle East Market, showing its know-how in the development of ad-hoc solutions for different requirements in the management of fleets of electrical equipment with insulating fluids.

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