
International Tender of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus for: “Elimination of PCBs from the insulating oil of distribution transformers”. In the 1997 Sea Marconi awarded the tender for decontaminate 520 transformers.

Nameplate data of transformers:

Power max [KVA]: 10-1000
Oil mass contaminated [Kg]: 94.000
PCB max
[mg/Kg]: 15.000
PCB target [mg/Kg]: < 10

Solution Sea Marconi

Solution: Dehalogenation treatment (CDP Process®) in order to remove PCBs from the oils and the transformers.

Example of configuration for perform a dehalogenation process for PCBs removal

The CDP Process by Sea Marconi allowed to Cypriot authorities to save about $ 2 million compared to the alternative solution (purchase of new oil, change the oil contaminated and its incineration).

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