Is available the Agenda of My Transfo do Brasil 2009 – 22,23,24 Sept

30 luglio 2009

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English. Per ragioni di convenienza del visitatore, il contenuto è mostrato sotto nella lingua alternativa. Puoi cliccare sul link per cambiare la lingua attiva.

My Transfo do Brasil Meeting 2009, arrived at the third edition, is one of the most important Conferences in Latin America that focused on the management of Oil-Filled Power Transformers and their Insulating Fluids.

This Conference, as in the past, it is being organized in co-operation by Terna Participações S.A. and Sea Marconi Group and it will take place on 22nd, 23rd and 24th September 2009 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

My Transfo do Brasil provides an interdisciplinary forum for presentation and discussion of ideas, research results, practical experiences, advanced technologies and solutions covering the following main areas:

– Corrosion Phenomena;

– Life Cycle Management, degradation mechanism and innovative diagnostic tools;

– New generations of insulating liquids.

For each thematic area well recognized international Experts have been invited. Large space will be dedicated to an open discussion.

All topics shall be presented in English and Portuguese with simultaneous translation.

Herewith attached you will find the Meeting Agenda and the Registration Form (please fill and submit it by E-mail to or by fax + 55 (21) 2212.6040 to the My Transfo do Brasil Organizing Secretariat by 15th September 2009).

We would like to cordially invite the participation of Experts concerned with the areas of transformer maintenance and manufacture as well as those dealing with transformer insulating systems, whether it be in the area of research, testing, performance evaluation and in-service monitoring.

Since the meeting will take place in Brazil, we would in particular wish to see a strong contingent of experts from within Latin America.

Hoping to see you soon at My Transfo do Brasil.

Vander Tumiatti Claudio Marchiori

Sea Marconi Terna Participações


Organizing Secretariat:

Mrs. Cristina Prado
Terna Participações – Brazil
Tel +55 (21) 2212.6021
Fax +55 (21) 2212.6040


Mr. Stefano Girolamo
Sea Marconi – Italy
Tel +39 011 234.34.34
Fax +39 011 234.34.35

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