Tag: Brasile


Sea Marconi invited to Brazil to present its solutions against PCBs as part of the UNDP/GEF

As part of the PCB/UNDP/GEF project, Sea Marconi has been invited to present its solutions at the workshop on PCB/POPs treatment (decontamination and disposal), which will be held on 21st and 22nd July 2015 in Brasilia (Brazil). The event will see managers and technical experts gathered together from the energy, industrial, transportation, health, agricultural and other sectors, which all use electrical equipment
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TAESA Brazil buys its second Sea Marconi system to combat corrosive sulphur

Recalling Sea Marconi’s most important activities in 2014, we don’t want to exclude the delivery of an oil treatment system, model DMU 100 5000 24C, to TAESA, an important Brazilian utility. We are extremely proud of this order, because TAESA already purchased one of our systems in 2009 (read article). Given their high level of satisfaction, in terms of both the
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Remoção de enxofre corrosivo com DBDS (C1) – Brazil 2005

Scenario Brazilian energy transmission network of TSN e Novatrans with 76 electrical equipment filled with insulating fluids. Sistema di trasmissione Brasile TSN Lines 1181 km Substations 6 Total reactors 40 Reactors with corrosive sulfur 37 (92,5%) Total failed reactors 15 (37,5%) Novatrans Lines 1278 km Substations 6 Total reactors 36 Reactors with corrosive sulfur 13 (36,11%) Total failed reactors (-) 2005 Discovery of DBDS. Sea Marconi, first in the
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