Tag: Italie

Élimination de la corrosion des métaux dissous (C4) et des boues Italie 2003

Scenario Hydro power plant Nameplate data of transformer: Transformer: GSU transformer Power [MVA]: 30 Voltage [KV]: 130 Oil mass [Kg]: 58.000 Oil type: paraffinic Before the treatment Cu [mg/Kg] 43 TAN [mg KOH/g] 0,213 Color 3 DF 1,268 Solution Sea Marconi Solution: Selective Depolarization treatment (Chedcos) performed on-load (transformer fully load during the treatment) Selective depolarization treatment: Chedcos Before the treatment After the
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Élimination du soufre corrosif non DBDS C2 Italie 2011

Scénario Centrale thermique avec 8 transformateurs élévateurs Caractéristiques techniques des transformateurs : Constructeur : xxx Puissance [MVA] : 370 Tension [KV] : 400 Masse d'huile [Kg] : 58.000 Type d'huile : huile mélangée Les analyses et diagnostics de 2011 ont révélé : Soufre total = 5700 mg/Kg TCS (Total Corrosive Sulfur) = 104 mg/Kg (équivalent DBDS) Test CCD = corrosif
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Élimination du soufre corrosif avec DBDS (C1) Italie 2005

Scenario 4 GSU transformer at thermal power plant Nameplate data of the transformers: Manufacturer: xxx Year: 1997 Power [MVA]: 192 Voltage [KV]: 400 Oil mass [Kg]: 58.000 Oil type: naphthenic May 2005 The analysis and subsequent diagnosis performed by Sea Marconi on the equipment of the customer showed: Index of corrosiveness =1 (max level) ASTM b 48H= 4C Overall Health index: 0.52
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Élimination du soufre corrosif avec DBDS (C1) Italie 2009-2014

Scenario Company involved in energy transmission (36 transformers) Nameplate data of transformers: Power max [MVA]: 528 Voltage max [KV]: 400 Oil mass [Kg]: 96.900 each DBDS max [mg/Kg]: 185 DBDS target [mg/Kg]: <5 2009-2013 Solution: Selective depolarization treatments by Sea Marconi in order to remove corrosive sulfur compounds from the oils.

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