Esafluoruro di zolfo SF6

L’esafluoruro di zolfo è un composto inorganico con formula SF6. È un gas trasparente, privo di odore, non-tossico e non-infiammabile (sotto condizioni standard)
Tratta da Wikipedia [fonte]

New sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - Esafluoruro di zolfo nuovo (dal Glossario IEC)

SF6 complying with IEC 60376, and never used previously
Published in: IEC 60480, ed. 2.0 (2004-10) – Reference number: 3.3.2 [fonte]

Unused sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)- Esafluoruro di zolfo nuovo(dal Glossario IEC)

SF6 never been introduced into electrical equipment (e.g. gas having been transferred into a storage tank)

Published in: IEC 60480, ed. 2.0 (2004-10) – Reference number: 3.3.3 [fonte]

Used sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - Esafluoruro di zolfo in esercizio (dal Glossario IEC)

SF6 introduced into electrical equipment
Published in: IEC 60480, ed. 2.0 (2004-10) – Reference number: 3.3.2 [fonte]

Bushing - Isolatore passante (dall'Electropedia IEC)

device that enables one or several conductors to pass through a partition such as a wall or a tank, and insulate the conductors from it.
Note 1 – The means of attachment (flange or fixing device) to the partition forms part of the bushing. The conductor may form an integral part of the bushing or be drawn into the central tube of the bushing.
Note 2 – The bushings may be of the following types:

– liquid-filled bushing;

– liquid-insulated bushing;
– gas-filled bushing;
– gas-insulated bushing;
– oil-impregnated paper bushing;
– resin-bonded paper bushing;
– resin-impregnated paper bushing;
– ceramic, glass or analogous inorganic material bushing;
– cast or moulded resin-insulated bushing;
– combined insulation bushing;
– compound-filled bushing;
– gas-impregnated bushing.

Fonte: IEV ref 471-02-01

Mineral insulating oil - olio minerale, natural esters - estere naturale, Synthetic organic ester - estere sintetico

Mineral insulating oil
insulating liquid derived from petroleum crudes
Note – Petroleum crude is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with small amounts of other natural chemical substances.
IEV ref. 212-17-02 [fonte]

Natural esters (dalla IEC 62770)
vegetable oils obtained from seeds and oils obtained from other suitable biological materials and comprised of triglycerides
IEC 62770, ed. 1.0 (2013-11)

Synthetic organic ester (dall’Electropedia IEC)
insulating liquid produced from acids and alcohols by chemical reaction
Note – These esters include mono-, di- and polyol-esters.
IEV ref. 212-17-08 [fonte]


Diagnostics of HV bushings through oil sampling and analysis

Data: Novembre 2017
Da: Transformers Magazine Special Edition on Bushings
Lingua: Inglese
Autore: Sea Marconi

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